2020 Master Composter Training
SUBJECT: 2020 Master Composter Volunteer Training
SPONSOR: Santa Fe Compost Action Team
AUDIENCE: Extension Master Gardeners, EMG Interns and Students, & the General Public
DATE: Saturdays, March 28, April 4, 18, & 25
TIME: 9 AM to 4 PM
LOCATION: Santa Fe County Fairgrounds, 3229 Rodeo Road
CREDITS: 24 CE’s for EMGs and EMG Interns/Students
COST: $75
DETAILS: The Santa Fe Compost Action Team (SCAT) is an advanced certified group of SF Extension Master Gardeners providing compost education for the Santa Fe area. The Team has provided home composting education in a variety of settings since 2013. Learn the art, science, materials, methods, and benefits of home composting by participating in 24 hours of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on experience, and field trips. Sign up for either
Track I: Join SCAT as a Certified Master Composter with volunteer hours required for certification maintenance or
Track II: Become a master home composter without Certification and volunteer requirements.