SFEMG Projects & Demonstrations
Come learn about all our exciting projects. We are eager to answer all your gardening questions and hear from you!
Ask a Master Gardener
Master Gardeners and Interns work together to share information about gardening and provide research-based answers to questions from the public.
Become a Master Gardener
Learn how to become a Santa Fe Master Gardener!
Cornell Rose Garden & Santa Fe Rose Society
The Santa Fe Master Gardener Association assists the Santa Fe Rose Society with maintenance of the long established Harvey H. Cornell, Sr. Rose Garden. We help the City of Santa Fe with rose pruning, deadheading, mulching, and various garden tasks during the growing season.
Rose Family Garden
This garden features primarily native plants in the Rosaceae family to demonstrate their variety and use as waterwise choices in Santa Fe.
The Garden at El Zaguán
Partnering with Historic Santa Fe Foundation, Santa Fe Extension Master Gardeners work to restore, maintain, and enhance a beautiful 19th century flower garden that combines exotic, native and waterwise plants and sustainable gardening practices.
Herb Garden
This demonstration garden offers examples of useful herbs that are successful in our northern New Mexico climate, ranging from culinary annuals to aromatic and culinary perennials.
Santa Fe Compost Action Team (SCAT)
SCAT members maintain the Compost Demonstration Site throughout the year and offer monthly educational composting clinics from April through October.
Santa Fe Native Plant Project (SNaPP)
SNaPP volunteers maintain three separate and unique demonstration gardens at the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds to provide inspiration for your low-water, low-maintenance garden. There is also a rainwater harvesting demonstration area that provides ideas about making the most of the precious rainwater that falls on your property.
Santa Fe Seed Library
The Seed Library at the Southside Library is a resource for patrons to check out a variety of seeds to grow in their own yards. We encourage patrons to save seeds from open-pollinated varieties to replant themselves, to share with friends, and to donate to the Seed Library in order to replenish and increase the locally-grown seed stock.
Yard Habitat Certification
This project’s mission is to educate the public in providing habitat and resources to support the food web of insects, caterpillars, bees and birds; restore declining pollinator populations and connect habitat fragments.