Become a Master Gardener
Registration for the 2022 Intern Training Program
will begin at 8:00 AM on Monday, November 1, 2021 at
To become a Santa Fe Extension Master Gardener (SFEMG) you will need to complete the annually offered Intern Training Program. Transferees from Master Gardener programs of neighboring state (Arizona, Texas, Colorado, and Utah) can obtain a waiver for attendance of all but 6 of the 15 classes in the curriculum. These classes are tentatively scheduled to begin in late January of 2022. Classes will be offered virtually via recorded presentations and Zoom.
Becoming a Santa Fe Extension Master Gardener requires the Intern, during the intern year, to complete 20 hours of volunteer time in the various SFEMG projects.
Intern Training Program: The Extension Master Gardener Intern Program consists of a rigorous 15-week training in locally relevant, research-based gardening techniques, taught by NMSU educators and local experts. Fifteen classes will be scheduled during the spring.
The curriculum is based on sustainable gardening practices. Topics covered are: Basic Botany and Plant ID, Soil and Soil Biology, Water and Water Harvesting, Weed ID and Management, Integrated Pest Management and Pollinators, Vegetable Production, Fruits, Roses, Trees and Shrubs, Wildlife Management, Xeriscaping and Perennials, Plant Pathology and Diagnosis, Seed Saving, Composting, and Native Plants. Additional training will focus on handling public gardening inquiries.
All classes are taught in English. Program information and class materials are posted electronically, so individual internet access is required.
Track I: Membership and Master Gardener Certification
This track offers you the opportunity to complete the volunteer requirements to become an Extension Master Gardener (EMG) and receive all the benefits of membership in our organization. By becoming an EMG you join the ranks of the many Santa Fe County residents who have chosen to enrich their gardening knowledge and share what they have learned with members of our community through the EMG sponsored activities and events.
· A place in the Intern group that offers many experiences to widen your gardening knowledge in preparation for becoming an EMG
· Invitations to regular membership activities, meetings and social events.
· Invitations to free or low cost continuing education classes and workshops
· Opportunities to take on leadership roles within our EMG organization
· Access to local and NMSU experts for information and problem solving
· Membership in a social community of like-minded gardeners
· Invitations to community gardening events, workshops and classes including EMG state conference
· A role as a recognized community expert that provides locally relevant research based gardening information
Cost: $200
TRACK I Applicants: Basic Requirements
· Must attend at least 13 of the 15 certification classes and pass take home tests with a score of 70% or better, when required
· Must complete and report 20 approved volunteer hours from the start of the certification classes until November 30, 2022.
· Each calendar year thereafter, performs a minimum of 30 hours of approved volunteer service and pays the annual membership to maintain their certification.
TRACK II Applicants: Completion of Course Only
In this track you attend the course lectures only. No certification is awarded, and there are no volunteer service requirements.
Cost: $200
TRACK II Applicants: Basic Requirements
· Interns attend course lectures only.
· No Extension Master Gardener Certification is awarded
· No volunteer service required
Track II Interns may seek Track I status by notifying the Intern Director and meeting all of the requirements for Track I certification.